During my small experience in teaching Judo to my students, I insisted all the time in the moral code of this sport, which includes many ethics
Courtesy: To be polite to others.
Courage: To face difficulties with bravery.
Honesty: To be sincere with your thoughts and actions.
Honor: To do what is right and stand by your principles.
Modesty: To be without ego in your actions and thoughts.
Respect: To appreciate others.
Self-Control: To be in control of your emotions.
Friendship: To be a good companion and friend.
All this values participate in the built of the personality of those who practice this sport and push him and motivate him to reach the level of human accomplishment
However, during my professional career I found a bad surprise that made me thinking, questioning and meditating in order to find a glimmer of truth*1 .
I found that all this values alone, cannot protect the practitioner of sports from fanatic thoughts derivation and we should find an alternative that can provide the basic values for the practitioners of Monotheism and put them in a safe place from the deviation.
There are so many great values, however if this values are not moderated and overpass the limits they become bad ones, and like we said: everything who overpass the limits become the opposite.
For example over courage become bad value which is precipitation, as well as modesty if it’s over limits it becomes humiliation, so all this values have to be moderated.
However, for some rare values we cannot apply the rule of moderation, because of the high level of this values, so the never goes to the opposites, because they are limitless.
After three years between hesitations, thinking meditation and talks with my students, I found some precious conclusions, which can be resumed in three parts:
Global reasonable view : (Reasonableness)
Independence of thoughts : (Auto control)
Happiness and spiritual balance : (Tranquility)
Reasonableness, auto control and tranquility are three limitless values, and the more we have these values the better we areSo I could not find a better word than wisdom to group all these three values in addition to the eight values from the Judo Moral Code in order to describe them. Wisdom is the mother of all the Values.
(Those who have Wisdom Have great things)
So I choose to confine the Moral Code of Monotheism in one Value which is:
And in details, this moral code is composed from three essential values:
Auto control
Chebil Ramzi
*1 : a sudden and tragic event will be discussed later in a a special file under the category: OTHER (reflections)